There are a few animals that were always special to me. Since I was living in Japan fox became one of them. Now my daughter is obsessed with red foxes and this is a linocut which I did at her request. We are both fascinated by the idea that in Japan it’s believed that foxes can shapeshift into human form. Japanese people consider them magical and very intelligent and seeing a fox is considered good luck.
I hope this fox will bring good luck and happiness to your homes.

1/50 THE BAMBOO FOX Monika Onoszko 2021 linocut

details & dimentions


Limited edition in prints: 50
Linocut creation: 2021
Subjects: Animal
Styles: Modern
Material: Ink on paper

Size of print with description:
Size of suggested mat inside: 70W/50H cm
Size of suggested frame inside: 91W/61H cm